We arrived in town on Friday evening in the midst of a party atmosphere. The hotel was having a dancing and singing performance in the front. Many people were going around with their Santo Nino (center, 2nd below). It reminded us of Nino Dios in Mexico - click here for our report from Queretaro. We decided Sinulog = Nino Dios + Carnival.

On the morning of the Vespera there was a fluvial procession reenacting the arrival of Santo Nino by ship. By the time we showed up Santo Nino had already arrived at its home in Basilica Minore del Santo Niño and a service was going on in the inner courtyard. There were many people participating in the service with the dozen large video screens in the outer area. We passed by the performers that are a part of the reenactment of the presentation of the Santo Nino and subsequent baptism of the Cebuano Chief and Queen. Not knowing how long we would have to wait in line in the hot sun in order to get into the inner courtyard, we retreated to our cool hotel room and monitored the proceedings via livestream.
First below: Reenactment participants rest under the grandstand. Second below: Worshippers who cannot fit into the church, listen to the service in the shade across the street. Third below: Water sellers.

In the afternoon, there was the Solemn Foot Procession. This was a distinct departure from Black Nazarene. Whereas Black Nazarene was chaotic, this one is very well organized and controlled. Most of the participants of Black Nazarene were men, while here it looks like the whole city plus visitors joined in. It was amazing to see, considering the Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia, going back only ~500 years since the Spanish conquistadors.
First below are 3 videos. Then photos, mostly in chronological order, of the procession led by clergy, then various officials, then several columns of nurses and doctors, then the images of Jesus, Mary, and Santo Nino, then the people.

And you can buy a Santo Nino to take home.

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