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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Traveling from Tula to Queretaro Centro was straight forward and we etabished ourselves in Hotel Hidalgo, athough we would have to move 30 hours later as the hotel never managed to deliever hot water to our shower and was evasive about the problem or non-problem.

We arrived in Queretaro on the wednesday before the long weekend around Constitution Day, a national holiday. Turns out the Constituion was drafted and adopted in Queretaro. Whoa! So Enrique Peña, the President of Mexcio was due on Tuesday Feb 5 for commemorations. Not to mention that the day for blessing Nino Dios was Saturday Feb 2. Let the fiestas begin!

In addition to the usual museums and churches, Queretaro has many plazas and gardens filled with fountains, shady ficus trees, monuments, and statues. Strolling is pleasant.

We only made one excursion, to the suburb of El Pueblito, for the festival of the Virgen del Pueblito, which featured pilgrims, a pyrotechnic tower, food, and a blessing of vehicles (see video below) - all cool stuff.

Lots of photos from our 5 days in Queretaro. You can see them all here or see a selection below.

Passed these bicycling pilgrims while on the bus from Tula to Queretaro.
Bicycle Pilgrims - Queretaro, Mexico

Parroquia de Santiago with Police communications truck parked in front.
Queretaro, Mexico

Many of the churches in Queretaro have an image of Christ on the Cross at their entrance.
Queretaro, Mexico

Queretaro was the birthplace of the 1810 Mexican Revolution. The leaders are depicted in this mural.
Queretaro, Mexico

Getting started on a tasty vegetarian lunch.
Queretaro, Mexico

The transfer of the Christ image from Chapel to main altar - Templo de la Santa Cruz.
Queretaro, Mexico

Queretaro, Mexico

Queretaro, Mexico

The old aqueduct.
Queretaro, Mexico

Preparing for Constitution Day.
Queretaro, Mexico

Tamale Row.
Queretaro, Mexico

Ex-convent of Santa Rosa de Viterbo.
Queretaro, Mexico

The Twelve Apostles rest in a back room at Santa Rosa - very cool.
Queretaro, Mexico

Ex-convento Santa Rosa.
Queretaro, Mexico

The old Queretaro Station is looking good.
Queretaro, Mexico

Our first michelada: beer with tamarind & hotsauce, plus salt on the rim of the glass.
Michalado - Queretaro, Mexico

Mass at Santiago for the blessing of the Nino Dios.
Queretaro, Mexico

Nino Dios at Santo Domingo.
Queretaro, Mexico

Monument to Benito Juarez with our friend Dayle strolling by.
Queretaro, Mexico

Cleaning a monument.
Queretaro, Mexico

Procession in Barrio Santa Caterina, Queretaro.
Queretaro, Mexico

Fountain in Plaza de la Constitución.
Queretaro, Mexico

Beggars and vendors assemble at Santiago before Sunday morning mass.
Queretaro, Mexico

Making Gorditos in El Pueblito.
Queretaro, Mexico

Pilgrims wait be received in the Santuario - El Pueblito.
Queretaro, Mexico

Sun-Ling waits for her Eskimo.
Queretaro, Mexico

Blessing of the Vehicles - El Pueblito, Queretaro, Mexico.


Crash Eddy said...

There's always some jerk honking his horn. Like I always say: horn works, try the brakes.

Crash Eddy said...

I hadn't viewed your Flickr slide show when I posted my horn comment. 149 photos! Whew! All these cathedrals in one "small" Mexican town. I say again, hard to imagine the hoards of artists who created these works of art. Oh, and I await a homemade michelada.

john said...

Crash - Although the tooting was very annoying, especially from the air horns, I'll have to say in their favor, that they were tooting for the Virgin, not in frustration.

Yep, micheladas will be on the menu this summer. Come on down!

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