One week of Chinese New Year visiting is over. Lots of goodness. One more to go.
My "permanant" crown was installed last week by Docter Shen. Smooth.
Reading The Alchemist.
SL and I are trying to walk for 2 hours every day.
Installed (recommended by Sun-Ling) some software that so far provides a hole in the Great Firewall, so I am able to fb, tumbl, tweet, and blog.
We will be flying to Kunming on Monday Feb 6. Looking forward to warmer dryer weather in Yunnan Province.
Pulled my Shanghai-based guitar out of the closet, dusted it off. Downloaded some software that does basic recording and used it to record some music for the video below.
Tried out some various free panorama programs. The results are below. None are as good as the free stitchers that came with my last Canon and Panasonic cameras and which are NOT installed on this computer. Argh!
As we said in previous post, we had some amazing bike rides around Guanshan, Taiwan. So here are more photos from those rides; some panoramas and one video. Enjoy!
Floral display along one of the Chishang bike routes and next to the Cultural Center and Rice Milling Co-op.
Looking out on the flooded rice paddies near Chishang. You can see the bike path at left heading down the terraces and out into the paddies.
Looking south down the East Rift Valley.
View of Beinan River with a new bridge in the distance. We are about to head up to Wulu, a 500 meter elevation gain, as the road continues west along the river.
Sun-Ling spinning along across the valley. Shot from my bike of course so it's a bit shakey.