Finally, we got around to Yosemite. Being in Patagonia last year really prompted us to start checking off the popular national parks in this country. Our visit to Yosemite was a little unusual, in that it was punctuated with high and low lights, instead of our normal even pace.
Mirror Lake

Heading up Sentinel Dome with Yosemite Falls over Sun-Ling's right shoulder.

View from Sentinel Dome with Half Dome and Nevada Fall in the distance.

Northern end of Yosemite Valley as seen from Glacier Point.

On the Illilouette Falls Trail.

Yosemite Valley with El Capitan at left, Half Dome way back in the middle, and Bridalveil Fall at right.

Bridalveil Fall at sunset.

Lavender - Hite Cove.

Some variety of Echeveria Succulent.


- Glacier Point Road opened three days before our arrival, one of the earliest in history. It is unlike us to have such luck.
- We left the park a day earlier than planned due to rain, forsaking the Upper Yosemite Falls trail.
- Due to thigh-deep snow, we had to scale back our Sentinel Dome area hiking ambition. The trails were completely buried in snow and the park does not seem to subscribe to trail blazes. We trudged over much snow, cross-country. The 360-degree view from the dome was well worth the effort.
- The second evening at the Bridalveil Fall pullover, we were one-inch (literally and exactly) from being in a car accident. An SUV from the far lane yanking a sedan in the near lane towards the parking spot in front our car, missing our car by one inch. No one was hurt, but imagine the hassle... I had never been so relieved in my life.
- We had expected to get a little wet on the Mist Trail. Instead, on the way down we looked like we had walked through a waterfall rather than by a waterfall.
- We squeezed in a peak at the wild flowers at the little known but highly rated Hite Cove. Knowing there are supposed to be 60 some species, I was still awed by the variety. Nature is amazing.
- And we saw a bear! Near the Mist Trail trailhead, therefore semi-habituated. But still very exciting!
The park was every bit scenic as we expected, though the ratio of pullover vistas to day hikes is a little high to our taste.
Mirror Lake
Heading up Sentinel Dome with Yosemite Falls over Sun-Ling's right shoulder.
View from Sentinel Dome with Half Dome and Nevada Fall in the distance.
Northern end of Yosemite Valley as seen from Glacier Point.
On the Illilouette Falls Trail.
Yosemite Valley with El Capitan at left, Half Dome way back in the middle, and Bridalveil Fall at right.
Bridalveil Fall at sunset.
Lavender - Hite Cove.
Some variety of Echeveria Succulent.