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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Temple - Thanjavur - Tamil Nadu - India

Big Temple - Thanjavur - Tamil Nadu - India
The locals call it the Big Temple and it's an impressive UNESCO World Heritage site officially called The Great Chola Temples of Tamil Nadu.

We liked it a lot as the admission was free and non-Hindus were allowed in the Inner Sanctum (the tall structure at left center).

On the downside, I was under the weather with a sinus infection and felt like crap the whole day. That evening we measured my temperature at 102.4; time to break out the antibiotics and Vit-I.


Anonymous said...

Hi, John and Sun-Ling,

A colleague asked about blogs today at work, so my thoughts turned to you. It was easy to find your blog again.

The temple reminds me of the style of Angkor Wat and other Cambodian temples. That's not surprising, though, as early Cambodian culture derived from the Indian subcontinent. Later Chinese influence added the Buddhist flavor and the common physical appearance of the people in the modern country.

I hope you are well.


Anonymous said...

this spring Cary NC will have its own brand new indian SV temple built by skilled workers from India and local folks. yesterday i went to the construction site, and saw they were making status and plasters right on the spot. although at a much smaller scale, it's still quite exciting. it will have six priests & 15,000 members. maybe we can go observe the grand opening together when you are back home.

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