The next day started with site seeing in Ipiales (the church in Las Lajos that spans a river gorge), crossing the border into Ecuador at Tulcan and visiting the cemetery famous for its topiary (one of the most surreal places ever), a loooooong sloooow bus ride to Otavalo, but ending on a high note with a tremendous dinner of Chinese food ala Otavalo Ecuador.
Plaza La Pola - Ipiales
Santuario de Las Lajas
Cementerio de Tulcan
Chifa (Chinese Restaurant)
John's two buddies look like the model for Shrek.
"the church in Las Lajos that spans a river gorge"<==Y'all did some incredible research to find all this stuff. And people like me ..... very much appreciate you sharing it with us.
Don't want to demystify any traveler's secrets but us visiting the church in Las Lajos is just like first time visitors to Key West taking a photo at the southernmost point in the US, they all know about it and do it; the same goes for that church, it's in all the guide books with detailed instructions on how to get to it by bus and taxi.
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