For us, seeing snow-capped mountains ranks right up there with seeing whales in difficulty. Most times we only see clouds. If it were not for those helpful photos, we would not even know what we are missing. On the rare occasions when the planets are aligned in our favor, there would be a brief clearing and we would get a glimpse of the peak(s) for a couple of minutes.
They hide in the clouds like in this shot taken by John on route to the Galapagos.
However, on our bus ride from Quito to Banos, the
Cotopaxi Volcano stood proudly in front us at a height of 19,347 feet the whole time we went around it, almost making me swoon.
A couple of shots taken from the moving bus.
1 comment:
A buddy, Tito Craige, who worked in Quito and the CDRC on GI, rode a bike ride on Cotopaxi, probably not to 19,347.
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