Surrounded by water, Ortigia has atmosphere and sights, souvenir vendors, eateries, and a lively local market. Three of those sights are ancient Greek Temples. And if you've following this blog, you know we have thing for ancient Greek Temples. Here we hit the jackpot. The Catholic Cathedral of Sircusa, located on Oritigia was built using the columns and cella of the the Greek Temple of Athena. They can be seen inside and outside of the temple. Wow!
Mount Etna through the bus window (at right behind the light poles).

Spinach pastry.

Some shots of the Ortigia waterfront.

Inside the Cathedral + Temple of Athena. The Greek Temple columns are incorporated into the side walls of the Cathedral.

Looking back to the front doors, with temple columns on each side. One can see the arches of the nave which were cut into the inner walls of the Temple of Athena.

The columns, about 6 feet in diameter, have stood for over 2000 years.

And on the northern outside wall.

Archimedes, the Greek mathematician was from Siracusa. This fountain bears his name.

And his statue stands on one of the bridges which connects Ortigia with the mainland.

Off the beaten track on Oritigia.

The local outdoor market.

Ortigia shops are getting ready for Easter.

Take out pizza topped with local arugula.

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