Other people come to Merzouga for camel rides, desert camping, and jeep tours; plus motorcycle, ATV and 4WD Mad Max madness. Our sole ambition was to climb the 100 meter high dune right outside town. Do I need to mention that it is the site of various movies?
Climbing the Grande Dune turned out to be much harder than it looked. It's a good thing it was not higher. I might have given up without reaching the top. At the same time, we had to struggle with the loud "humming" of motorcycles, ATVs, and 4x4s, more mentally than physically. What's the point of burning fossil fuel and generating pollution to disturb the peace of the desert?! By comparison, the camel tours seem harmless. If it were not for the tourist trade, what would be the fate of the domestic camel?!
The view from the bus window on our way to Merzouga. Reminds one of rural China.

Our room in Merzouga was on the rooftop of an old inn overlooking a "working" courtyard. It seemed as if we were "sleeping in the desert"


Camels awaiting tourists.

We were surprised to see beetle tracks all over the dunes.

And it's just another kilometer to the top of the Grande Dune across the orange sand.

Then almost straight up to the top ridge. Our GPS reported a 30% grade for the final 500 meters.

The top! Woohoo! Behind me is Algeria.

4WDrivers shatter the peace and pollute the air.

Coming down is easier; like floating.

We can't leave Merzouga without walking back out to the dunes to catch the sunset and have some fun with the pano function on SL's phone.

Yes, trekkingup sand dunes is seriously hard work! Congratulations.
Wow, that looks amazing to be hiking up the dunes!
@kathy and @ Dayle - Yes a bit harder than Jockey's Ridge. ;-)
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