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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Slow Evora

134 kilometers east of Lisbon, Evora is an ancient city that miraculously escaped the 1755 earthquake that devastated Lisbon. According to our guide books, its population today is smaller than the middle ages, which was good for me since my head was still spinning with Lisbon. Yet there is a Roman temple, Moorish architecture, Jesuit university, kilometers of functioning aqueduct built over half a millennium, not to mention a free concert in the Cathedral. My holiday from traveling has to wait.

Front row seats on the bus from Lisbon to Evora, Portugal.
On the road from Lisbon to Evora, Portugal

St Anton's sits at the one end of the main square in Evora, just across from the fountain (where some young folks are sitting).
Evora, Portugal

Evora, Portugal

Evora, Portugal

Roman baths were found under the City Hall.
Roman Baths - Evora, Portugal

The Roman Temple.
Roman Temple - Evora, Portugal

We attended a free concert in the Cathedral - great acoustics. The highlight was The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Paul Dukas.
Concert at the Cathedral - Evora, Portugal

Concert at the Cathedral - Evora, Portugal

Dusk view.
Dusk - Evora, Portugal

Roman Temple at night.
Roman Temple -  Evora, Portugal

Old Town at night.
Evora, Portugal

The old aqueduct still moves water and there is a path/greenway of sorts along its length. We followed it from in town to about 4 kms out in the hills. Great walk. Enjoy the journey!

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

Aqueduct - Evora, Portugal

And after 4 kms we leave the aqueduct route, head up for a view back to Evora, then walk back to town.
View to Evora, Portugal

Dinner at Salsa Verde vegetarian restaurant.
Evora, Portugal


Evora, Portugal

The University's historic building.
Evora, Portugal

Another church.
Evora, Portugal

Our hotel was right at the end of the arcade on the north side of the square, so we walked in the arcade many times - it's now an old friend.
Evora, Portugal

Evora, Portugal


Liz said...

Great pics as always!

Crash Eddy said...

You say great acoustics in the Cathedral. These couldn't've been planned, they must've just happened. Amazing.

And a 4+km aqueduct. Flint MI wants to know how it's done.

john said...

Thanks! @Liz

@Crash...Right! When the cathedral was built they could only "hope for the best" with the acoustics, although when you look at the level of sophistication of the construction techniques of the buildings, and aqueducts, etc, you gotta think that there were some rules of thumb regarding cathedral acoustics.

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