There are three very, very impressive Greek Temples at the Paestum Archaeological site. They were built of local stone about 2500 years ago.
Temple of Athena

Second Temple of Hera

Inside the First Temple of Hera

Inside the Second Temple of Hera

When the Romans conquered Paestum, they left the temples standing, but rebuilt the city in Roman style and added a fortified wall.

Looking across the Roman Forum.



The Site museum features some cool artifacts and the amazing Tomb of the Diver.

The Salerno Duomo.

The colorful Duomo Crypt contains holds the body of St Matthew.



The train station at dusk.

Bonus pic of new-to-me gender symbols in the Lisbon Airport.

I was sorry to miss Paestum. More sorry now!
That male figure looks like a clothes pin....
@Kathy, you will make it there. Paestum is super easy to get to on the train (<30 min from Salerno), flat, and they are still excavating.
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