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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cycling in Taichung

On the second day of New Year, we trained from Tainan to Taichung. All the seat reservations had been sold out a long time ago. Much to our relief, the local train we took wasn't crowded.

We were not particularly impressed with Taichung from our previous visit, and could not muster enthusiasm for full speed sightseeing. However, we did enjoy two bike rides on rail trails while braving crowded trains, plus Chinese New Year + Taichung Flora Expo throngs.

The Houli-Fengyuan-Dongshi rail trail is particularly popular. Because of my limited bicycling skills, we only do easy rides. The amount of the riders on the trail surely was at the limit of my bicycling skills. What is more amazing is the number of bicycles (many electric) available for rent along the route was easily twice or three times the number of what is out rolling along the trail. When we had inquired at the tourist office, we were guaranteed that we would not have trouble getting a bike -- the trail used to be more popular. It's a good thing it is not a test I would have to worry about.

On our first full day we rode a very crowded train to Tanzi to bike the Tanya Shen Bike Way.
Sun-Ling and I barely squeeze on the train at Taichung Station - Taichung, Taiwan

Packed Local Train -  Taichung, Taiwan

From Tanzi Station it's a 20 minute walk to the start of the bike way. The sole bike rental shop there had high prices and a surly owner so we walked a mile on the trail to a very friendly bike rental place and got going.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

The bike way has some added S-curves to get your attention.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

And flowers are planted on the side.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

4-wheelers allowed.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

One of our bikes.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

There were several "bike only" over passes.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

Caught a bus back to town from near this cycling overpass.
Tanya Shen Green Bikeway - near Taichung, Taiwan

Had some veggie dumplings for dinner and checked out the new mall before heading home.
Vegan Dumplings-  Taichung, Taiwan

Taroko Mall - Taichung, Taiwan

The next morning we got up early and were on a 7:30 train north to Houli which is not only the endpoint of one a Taiwan's most popular bike way's it's now hosting the Flora Expo which draws thousands of visitors. However at 7:30 am most folks are not of the house. The first kilometer of the Hou-Feng bike way leads to the Flora Expo, thus flowers.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Also there is a separate elevated pedestrian path to the Flora Expo which you can see behind Sun-Ling.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Soon we are riding through a very cool horseshoe-shaped tunnel....
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

....which empties right out onto the old RR Bridge. Very cool.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

A beautiful morning for strolling or cycling on this bike way.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

After 5kms we take a sharp turn onto the Dongfeng bike way.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

We see a few more folks out enjoying the morning. Such a nice shady path.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

The bike is a bit small for me.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

We took a snack break on this bridg and enjoyed the view.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

The bike way ends at the old DongShi Station. For us that's about 17kms of riding.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

We turn around and head back to Houli. The bike way is now not just busy but crowded.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Good to see folks out and enjoying themselves.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

A couple of videos to show the excitement of the Dongfeng Bike Way.

Link here and here.

Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Green Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Back to the RR bridge.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Green Way - Taichung, Taiwan

And through the tunnel.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Green Way - Taichung, Taiwan

One of the several entrances to the Flora Expo.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Green Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Return our bikes - the owner has brought out her eagle. Hmmmm.
Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Green Way - Taichung, Taiwan

Here's the GPS track of our ride.
GPS Track - Hou-Feng + Dongfeng Bike Way - Taichung, Taiwan

We are done by 1:45 and in fact get seats on the train home.
Taichung, Taiwan

Taichung's new elevated station opened in 2016. Very nice.
Taichung, Taiwan

We stop by a nearby temple on the way home. Check out the twin smokestacks.
Taichung, Taiwan

Ceremony at that temple.
Temple - Taichung, Taiwan

Our hotel, SOF Hotel, shows its skeleto.
SOFHotel - Taichung, Taiwan

SOFHotel - Taichung, Taiwan

From the outside.
SOFHotel - Taichung, Taiwan

For dinner we go to a veg resto where they make savory vegetarian zongzi, a real treat. See the zongzi hanging by string.
Making Vegetarian Zongzi - Taichung, Taiwan

Vegetarian Zongzi - Taichung, Taiwan

Creekside park near the train station.
Taichung, Taiwan

We check out the YiZhong Night Market.
YiZhong Night Market - Taichung, Taiwan

YiZhong Night Market - Taichung, Taiwan

The sublime Houxing Pavilion (built in 1908) in TaiChung park is the symbol of the city.
Houxing Pavilion - Taichung Park - Taichung, Taiwan

Houxing Pavilion - Taichung Park - Taichung, Taiwan


Kathy said...

Looks like you are getting some good weather for a change.

Crash Eddy said...

Outstanding bicycle trails and getting heavy usage. Your right photos are spectacular.

You duplicated a photo where you state twin smokestacks.

john said...

@Crash, Thanks for the photo kudos and the catch of the photo dup (fixed)!

@Kathy, Yes, the weather has been excellent all February. Speaking of the weather, we are now in Miaoli City which located between hills and mountains, and seems to have perpetual cool, cloudy, and dry weather. We are not complaining. Our landlady confirmed that the weather here is very different than nearby Taichung and other parts of Miaoli County.

Liz said...

Looks like a fun bike trail with cool things to see. Looks like an interesting hotel.

Sun-Ling said...

@Liz, I would have enjoyed the trail more if I didn't have to pay so much attention trying not to crash into other bicycles, haha.

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