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Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Vietnam: Haiphong

Haiphong is the third largest city in Vietnam. It has none of Hanoi's frenzy. The center is very chill, with minimal shoppin. Most popular is just sitting with family and friends at old fashioned cafes. Since Haiphong is already a major port, and lacks tourist sites, very few tourists visit Haiphong. But John wanted to come here because Haiphong was a city often mentioned in the news during the Vietnam War.

We rode a daytime sleeper bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong. Relaxing. I bought a cold-coffee-in-a-can at the first rest stop (first below). We passed Hanoi to the north, and caught a glimpse of the skyline (4th below). Turns out we were also carrying livestock (5th below) underneaeth the bus.
Coffee! - On the Bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong, Vietnam

On the Bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong, Vietnam

Our Bus - On the Bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong, Vietnam

On the Bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong, Vietnam

Loading a Black Pig - On the Bus from Ha Giang to Haiphong, Vietnam

Haiphong traffic is calm. The view from our GRAB taxi below.
In a GRAB Taxi - Haiphong, Vietnam

Dinner. We were not very hungry, which turned out to be us both coming down with the flu or maybe COVID.
Dinner - Haiphong, Vietnam

Performers in the park.
Haiphong, Vietnam

Walking around in the city center.
Haiphong, Vietnam

Haiphong, Vietnam

Along the waterfront.
Haiphong, Vietnam

Being a bit under the weather - OK, sick - we limited our exploration to the Haiphong city center, where the early 20th-century French Colonial Architecture is amazing. On our Sunday afternoon stroll, the locals were using those buildings as backdrops for photoshoots. First below and second below are the Post Office.
Haiphong Post Office - Haiphong, Vietnam Haiphong Post Office - Haiphong, Vietnam

Haiphong Museum
Bảo tàng Hải Phòng (Haiphong Museum) -  Haiphong, Vietnam

Opera House
Opera House - Haiphong, Vietnam

Opera House - Haiphong, Vietnam

Other French Colonial buildings include the train station, water works, and a small pavilion in the park.
Ga Haiphong (Haiphong Train Station)  - Haiphong, Vietnam

Water Tower - Water Works - Haiphong, Vietnam

french Colonial Building - Haiphong, Vietnam

We spotted a mosque that did not appear to be operational.
Mosque - Haiphong, Vietnam

Bonus street photo.
Haiphong, Vietnam


Priya said...

oh no :( hope you both recover soon and feel better!

john said...

Thanks Priya! We are both on the mend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful architecture. Glad you are feeling better.

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