As a city, Bishkek only dates back to the 1800s, established by the Russians, and today has a million people. We spent much of our time looking at Soviet architecture and touring markets. It seems we have been to an extraordinary number of markets in Central Asia. I am beginning to wonder whether markets are a vestige of their nomadic heritage.
Nuts, dried fruits, and more at the Osh Bazaar.

We even made a pilgrimage of sorts to the Dordoi Bazaar, on the outskirts of the city. It turned out to be a highlight. This is a market, maybe the size of a dozen Home Depots, made entirely of shipping containers. Some have been cleverly disguised, most are stacked two tall with the shop on the first level and stock storage on the second level. The market seemed like a poster child of sustainable development.

Below are photos taken from our bus on the 6-hour journey along the north shore of Issyk-Kul from Karakol to Bishkek. The large building is a sports stadium (4th below), and home of the first three World Nomad Games (WNG).

Our apartment in Bishkek (our "city view" is 1st below) was directly behind the Soveiet-Era Sports Palace which "sports" the best equestrian statue we've ever seen (2nd below). Agree? It's a monument to the legendary wrestler Kozhomkul.

Bishkek was decorated for the upcoming 09 May Victory Day celebrations. Although the day commemorates the participation of the Soviet Republics in the 1945 victory over the Nazis, several local people told us "we are not so enthusiastic" as Kyrgyz people were disproportionately used as cannon fodder, while few ethnic Russians did not serve during World War II.

Leafy alamedas with drink ladies on many corners (2nd below): MAXIM (Coffee, Left), Chalap (Fermented Milk, Center), Kvass (Fermented Rye Bread, Right). Kvass is John's fav.

THe Orthodox churches in town were filled with flowers for Bright Week, the week after Orthodox Easter.

We found a 24/7 cafeteria, АШКАНА (ASHKANA) Dining Room Buffet, with friendly staff, and tasty vegetarian food at a reasonable price, and we ate 2 delicious meals there.

Soviet Modernist architecture in various states of repair, refurbishing, and glory.

Soviet Art.

More Soviet Modernist Architecture. First the National Library of Kyrgyzstan

Wedding Palace

Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan with Statue of Poet and Storyteller Kalyk Akiev

State Circus; and an Osh Bazaar panorama.

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