Sun-Ling enjoying the view from our hotel room.
Giron has a lively colonial center. The local tourist office is run by the police. They hardly speak any English, but are extremely friendly. They insisted on sending a young woman to show us around town. We managed to decline, but not as smoothly as I would have liked, not a situation we have had much practice. Later from the balcony, I spotted a police office showing a few tourists around.
Giron is surrounded by hills.
The white washed walls of the old colonial town.
I was going around exclaiming what a nice town it is. John pointed out it is because we wished we lived in a town like this.
In the white-washed walls photo, one lone pedestrian walks the narrow curb/sidewalk but no traffic appears in the street. Do automobiles roar down the streets such that pedestrians must be so careful?
What I did not say earlier was one of the reasons that I liked Giron
so much was the public transportation. There are many public buses and school buses moving people, so the streets are not overflowing with cars and motorbikes. I was walking on the sidewalk just to be courteous to the drivers that do come down the street.
So the lone walker is Sun Ling?
Right. That's Sun-Ling.
I will now recognize that hat in the photos to come.
I am really enjoying the blog...the photos and the narrative. Thanks for sharing this adventure with us.
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