Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Half Way

We finally bought our return tickets to the US on January 10th which happens to be the halfway point of our epic eight-month trip. On May 5th, we will fly the red-eye from Lima, Peru to Fort Lauderdale, FL then to Roanoke, VA to attend Niece Sophie's college graduation, after which my in-laws will deliver us home on May 7th.nt

Atop Cerro Santa Lucia in Santiago.


Crash Eddy said...

Glass half full or half empty? Either way, I calendared your return and stowed a few beers in the fridge. Hope the second half is as safe as the first half has proved to be.

Unknown said...

We are thrilled you guys are going to help us celebrate. Continued safe travels...

Crash Eddy said...

I see you added a lovely photo to this post. You're looking happy and healthy!

john said...

We are feeling healthy this trip. Getting plenty of rest and eating well is key.

Anonymous said...

You are looking good. Chile seems to suit you.

Mom and Dad

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