Thankfully during the 5 hour ride our fellow passengers were courteous to us and each other and the driver stopped for a 10 minute or more smoke break every hour or so.
The area around Gura Humorului in the Bucovina Region of Romania is known for its colorfully painted monasteries. We saw two our first day, Humor and Vonoret, walking 27 kms on back roads and trails. There was a flash of life and death drama on the way as we were attacked by a pack - 7 is a pack yes? - of sheep dogs as their young shepherd/master was unable to control them. Whew.
The second day we rode the bus to Moldovița. Being Sunday the service was in progress when we arrived at 8:50 AM and was still going strong when we left at 10:20. The monastery has about 40 nuns including one who gives tours of the paintings with her laser pointer in animated Italian - sorry no photo.
One of the breaks on the bus was at the top of a pass through the Rodna Mountains. It was nice and cool for a few minutes at 1400 meters.

A huge painted Easter egg on the town square in Gura Humorului.

Walking along the Humor River to Humor Monastery.

Once in Humor we rousted this stork from it's nest.

The Humor Monastery Church has no spire and a single watch tower.

A great walk from Humor (in the distance) back to GH...

...although we were about to be attacked by dogs... this photo was taken.

The dog attack behind us - no blood no problem - it was mostly downhill back to town after a brief stop at the very windy stone bench marking the top of the hill.

On the road to Voronet we passed these guys ploughing their garden.

The church at Voronet is known as the Sistine Chapel of the Orient mostly because of the Last Judgement painted on the western exterior wall.

The Moldovița Monastery.

This is part of the Siege of Constantinople painting (with the Christains winning).

The nun is beating a wooden drum to signal the start of the liturgy.

The morning sun on the walls.

Twenty-seven kms?! And a dog attack?! I am sooo glad I had a car and driver! But I also had rain, the colors look much better in your photos.
@Kathy, the dog attack was VERY scary. John kept telling me to get behind him. There was no "behind" as we were surrounded 360, as like in the movies. The lesson here is to never trust a young shepherd with his dogs.
We had planned for the walk and even walked extra, where we encountered the dogs :(
Earlier, in Maramures, we quit walking after only 19 kms; were not so impressed with Prince Charles' adopted village. John Put out his thumb and we were picked up by a Mercedes SUV driven by a couple of movers 'n shakers from the Romanian telecom industry; learned how Romania manage to provide top internet speed at reasonable rates. We do end up riding in cars occasionally, lol.
Oh my gosh - I don't know what I am more shocked about : the dog attack or the hitch hiking. Not sure which is more dangerous! Glad you are both safe.
@Liz, I can just see the expression on your face! I think the two of us end up in bigger adventures than either of us is capable of on his/her own. Over the last few years we probably have hitchhiked a few dozen times. I prefer public transportation above all.
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