What was our impression? They were amazing. Sun-Ling suspects that many designs of Gustav Klimt and Charles Mackintosh were inspired by these works of art.
The Arian Baptistery featuring a Jesus (in the middle) with no beard.

The Basilica di San Vitale, which is very Eastern in appearance is a real gem. Here are a bunch of shots. The green colors are amazing.

And the adjacent Mausoleum of Galla Placidia was very atmospheric due to its low ceiling. In fact they only let about 25 people in at a time - for 5 minutes only - to keep the humidity down.

The exterior of the Basilica di San Vitale. Could be a mosque with minaret, no? Very Eastern.

The Chapel of Sant'Andrea - Archiepiscopal Chapel. I see ducks and another beardless Jesus.

And the adjoining Baptistery.

Piazza del Popolo.

We ate lunch at Verde Bio vegetarian restaurant - a tasty all you can eat buffet.

And finally, Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo.

The gift of the Magi. Love these guys. ;-)

How much human capital was expended to create all these mosaics? And so many of them!
The mosaics are beautiful!
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