We happened to be in town on a Tuesday when the Cathedral is free in the afternoon - now that we have been inside, it is well worth the regular admission - so we decided to take the 3.5 km walk to the Carthusian monastery of Miraflores in the morning, since much of the walk is along the river on a greenway. Much to our surprise, it seemed that anyone who was not at work was walking on the greenway, or bicycling, or working in the community garden along the greenway.
Of the two new buildings in the city center, one is a much used public library, the other is an anthropology museum of human evolution! with a dancing fountain (those always score extra points with me). I also noted there is not a Parador in town.
The old town is visually pleasing with immeasurable enclosed balconies; quintessential Spanish. Between the river and old town, there is the Espolon promenade lined with carefully trimmed plane trees. For our every to and fro we had to choose among the riverfront walk, the Espolon, or the pedestrian-only street.
On our way out of town, we happened to be walking on the Camino to the bus station. Someone wished us "Buen Camino." We should have taken one of those apartments with enclosed balcony and settled in.
The Camino runs right through Burgos. Just follow the scallop shells.

The Burgos Cathedral at night.

Near the Cathedral.

City Gate.

Espolon at night.

On the greenway to the monastery.

Inside the monastery church.

On the way back to town we walk by a community garden.

Lunch at a vegetarian restaurnat.

Near the Cathedral.

Back on the Espolon.

Near our hotel.

Some shots inside the Burgos Cathedral. First the very busy ticket office.

The Museum of Human Evolution.

Statue of El Cid, local hero.

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