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Monday, June 05, 2017

Undistinguished Leon

Leon is the next big town on the Camino after Burgos; in fact, it is the last big town on the Camino before Santiago. While I loved the Burgos Cathedral, I was not so all impressed with the Leon Cathedral which is known for its acres of stained glass windows.

I was getting a little bored, and at John's prompting I started taking pictures. Then I realized that the Cathedral is so popular because it is very photogenic. My problem is that while I love modern stained glass, I am not a fan of medieval stained glass. While in Leon we also felt obligated to check off the Pantheon Real at San Isidoro (no photos allowed for the medieval frescoes) which I was again underwhelmed. I decided that since I am not a fan of medieval art to begin with; I only like mosaics or stone carvings.

Another thing I realized is that in those towns along the camino, there are an above average number of fit people, presumably having arrived on foot, as supposed to in most other towns with decrepit semi-mobile people arriving in cars, tour buses, and cruise ships!

From the bus window on the trip from Burgos to Leon.
On the road to Leon, Spain

On the road to Leon, Spain

Our hotel in Leon was almost adjacent to the Cathedral so we were always walking by it; thus, a bunch of shots of the Leon Cathedral.
León, Spain

León, Spain

León, Spain

León, Spain

León, Spain

Leon, Spain

Leon, Spain

Leon, Spain

Cleaning the square in front of the Cathedral.
León, Spain

Leon, Spain

St Isidore at night.
León, Spain

Cloister - Leon Cathedral.
León, Spain

Leon has some way cool city walls.
León, Spain

León, Spain

León, Spain

Convent of San Marcos.
Leon, Spain

León, Spain

Markethouse before the rain.
León, Spain


Kathy said...

Sorry you weren't impressed woth the stained glass, I absolutely loved it! Did you check out the carving in the choir?

Crash Eddy said...

Is the fisheye lens a new addition to your kit? I don't recall such photos prior.

john said...

@Kathy, I was certainly impressed by the amount of stained glass and the light+colors; just not the stylings of the images.

@Crash, the fisheye is a new toy but it's not a new addition to my kit, it's a software feature on SL's phone; one of the types of panoramas. I'll give you a demo when we are home.

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