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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Drying out in Narni

At 6:00 AM sharp, our very hospitable host in Ostia drove all three of us and our bags to the Fiumicino Aeroporto.  Once we saw Ian disappear in security check, we started on our journey north.  Our first stop is Narni (the namesake of "The Chronicles of Narnia.") in southern Umbria.  We more or less picked the place because of its location on the map.  Did we luck out?!  The hilltop is enchanting.  A sharp departure from our modus operandi, we stayed in the lower town near the train stain for easy day tripping and closer to real Italiani.  We even got a frequent shopper card at the supermarket Conad, never mind we have no idea what it does; John - it's worth applying for just to have an interaction with the very pleasant Italians - relational goods.

Changing trains in Tiburtina Station.
On the train from Rome to Narni, Italy

One of Narni's "sights", the Roman Ponte di Augusto, has been visited by travelers since the Grand Tour's of the 18th Century.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Our hotel is in Narni Scalo, the lower, newer, section of town. On the walk up to Narni old town we pass a junction with signage for pilgrims and cyclists. Wow! In Italy a 100 km cycling route is considered "basic".
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Stairs and Arches of Narni.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

One of the old churches in town is now a lecture hall.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

The Duomo is very cool, one of a kind, an obviously cherished by the locals.
Duomo - Narni, Umbria, Italy

The guide books differ as to whether this a colossal wood statue or simple a wooden figure. SL concludes it's colossal ie larger- than-life.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

The most recent altar and crypt.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

The older altar, screen and crypt is not directly under and aligned with the current altar (the norm) but is 90 degrees askew and half-way back to the entrance...
Narni, Umbria, Italy

..and with remnants of the original mosaic floor.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

View back to the Duomo.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Heading up to the Belverdere.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Views from the Belverdere.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

The highest point in town is the old castle and tower - not yet open for the season.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

After visiting the old town of Narni, we walked to the nearby (3kms) Geographical Center of Italy (Centro d'Italia). Here I climb a bastione along the way.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

Following trail 654 - our Thursday Hike.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

The path into the Centro d'Italia follows above the ruin of an old Roman aqueduct.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

The Centro of Italia is adjacent to this Roman aqueduct bridge.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

It's good luck to touch the top of the Centro d'Italia marker.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Sun-Ling consults the map has we head back to town.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Great views of old Narni as we walk home.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

We enter town through a gate in the city walls.
Narni, Umbria, Italy

Narni, Umbria, Italy

Aperol is a good value at the local Conad supermarket. We also buy some prosecco and oranges and make our own spritz for happy hour. ;-)
Narni, Umbria, Italy


Kathy said...

Looks like a find! And great signposts.

john said...

@Kathy, Narni was very unassuming yet cool. While many Italian towns tout their past glories (prehistoric, Roman, Renaissance) or scenic views, Narni touts its "Centro d'Italia" like towns in the USA tout "highest point in Missouri" or "westernmost point of the Eastern Continental Divide". ;-)

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