Our Airbnb apartment was only a few blocks from the short but steep pedestrian path (stairs) up to Saqsayhuaman. Along the way we stopped to check out the so-called House of the Serpents, and the Spanish Colonial aqueduct.
Check out the raised serpent reliefs on the wall of the House of the Serpents.

Here's the Sapantiana Aqueduct, named after the nearby Sapantiana Huaca and built by the Spanish.

Almost at the top of the stairs and the Boleto Turistico control point.

Immediately after entering the site, we headed over to the mirador that looks down on Cusco.

Originally Saqsayhuaman Fortress had 3 massive towers, now only the foundations remain.

Sun-Ling looks across the Great Plaza from atop the defensive wall. Later we walk over to the opposite hill for a view back to the fortress.

Better view of the Defensive Walls, Great Plaza, and opposite hill.

I stand in front of a section of the lower wall.

Some of the stones weigh over 100 tons.

Massive Stone Gates.

Views back to the fortress.

Looking past defensive walls (right) and the Christo Blanco (left), to the airport far in the distance.


The far side of the opposing hill has a round structure that supposedly is a reservoir. Sun-Ling is skeptical. ;-)

Walking back down to town we spotted a parade of some sort entering the Plaza so we rushed down.

It's a procession of a Christian Cross with an image of Jesus carried by men, and an image of Mary (I think) carried by women. They stop facing the Cathedral (to the left out of the shot).

Both images are moved towards the front door of the Cathedral.

With male dancers: 15-second video.

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