Our first view of the eastern end of the Sacred Valley as the collectivo van begins to plunge down to Pisac.

And soon a glimpse of the town of Pisac with ancient terraces above.

Walking from the bridge to the Pisac Plaza.

The tall white market stalls reminded us of the Saturday Market in Chichicastenango, Guatemala.

Past the church and to the park entrance where we present our Boleto Turistico and head up, up, up.

Although there is lots of elevation gain in this walk, there are so many things to stop and look at that we are not getting tired.

We started down at the river. Wow!

And up we go.

Sun-Ling had a bit of vertigo at this spot and was content to sit while I took some photos.

Looking down on the buildings that are referred to as Old Pisac. In about 3 more hours we will walk through them on our way back down.

We reach a vantage point above the Temple of the Sun complex. Great 360 views!

Fine stone work of the buildings.

Temple complex.

Squeezing through a tunnel.

At the highest point of the Pisac Parque.

The turnaround is in sight; the upper parking is in the middle of the photo.

All smiles.

One last set of building ruins before we head back.

We take the old Inca Road back. First section along these sweeping terraces. Photographers dream.

Towards Old Pisac.

The walk back down was twice as fast as the walk up.

GPS Track.

Back in town we stop by the market and manage to locate the old adobe oven - still in business.

View back to Pisac from the Cusco-bound van.

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