The hike turned out to be every bit as hard as I expected, especially going down. With some help from John, I was elated to have bagged the peak. On the way up we were passed by two young men who never came back. They must have descended on some equally or even more difficult paths. On the way down, we came across ten or so of our contemporaries headed up.
Even though it was not a particularly clear day, at the summit we could see the whole north coast of the island, as well the various towns we had bused through. After we got off the peak, we felt well enough to return to The Sanctuary on the GR221, instead of the road we came on as advised by Park Services. Compared to summiting, we felt walking on the GR221 was like sightseeing.
It's not every day you start a hike by walking past a Jai Alai court.

Then a section of the old Roman Road.

Plenty of signage along the GR221.

We walk through the hamlet of Menut.

After walking on the GR221 for 15 minutes or so we take a sharp left and head up through the forest, and out beside and across the scree.

At one point there is a chain plus metal handles to get us up through a rock "funnel".

Once above the "funnel", it's a 1km walk across a rock field to the "summit pole" with great views in all directions.

The summit pole is in sight! 1103 meters = 3619 feet.

John at the summit with Alcudia (our next stop - stay tuned) in the distance.

Heading down from the rocky summit.

Walking down past the scree slope.

The colorful ubiquitous chaffinch.

Back down and heading home on the GR221.

Sun-Ling gets over the stile.

A view down to the our home, the Lluc Santuary.

Walking along the no-longer-in-use pilgrim cells at the Santuary.

The climbing looks fun!
Yes, fun! The Uphill/ downhill sections are pretty short, and thus neither tedious nor exhausting. Fun.
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