Astorga must be the smallest town (population 11000) we have been that has a cathedral (incongrously huge), and a bishop's palace designed by Gaudi. We also happened upon its market day on a Tuesday which also seemed big for the population.
The rain during the Ruta Romano Tour did not dampen the enthusiasm of our guide (right).

Inside the Roman Musuem which is the remnants of structural support chambers for the Roman Forum.

Roman Thermal Baths in a very well designed undeground exhibition.

The first Roman structure at Astorga was a military encampment. Here is a fortification ditch, and a more recent opening.

A highlight of the Ruta Romano Tour was walking through a short segment of the Roman sewer located 5 meters below grade.

A Roman Villa with a mosaic floor can be seen under a glass roof.

The Palacio de Gaudí (Bishop's Palace) at right and Cathedral to the left.

And at night from below the city walls it's Palacio de Gaudí (left) and Cathedral (right).

The upper front facade of the Cathedral.

There was a section of city wall that was perfect for an evening stroll (paseo).

Plaza Mayor of Astorga.

Market Day.

There were several large murals around town.

Evidence that you are near or on the Camino.

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