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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Paris: Musée D'Orsay

I had high expectations for Orsay, and it did not disappoint. It had more paintings than I had expected, enjoyable ones too. There were even several rooms of Art Nouveau furniture (I had not known). There was a special Edvard Munch exhibit (though extremely crowded). Another bonus was the combo ticket with L’Orangerie.

The Musée d'Orsay is located on the Seine River in the former Gare d'Orsay (train station). The interior is gorgeous being the main hall of the former station, not to mention the iconic clock from which one can see Sacre-Coeur even on a rainy day.
View to The Orsay on a Rainy Day - Paris, France

Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Clock - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

View through a window at Musée d' Orsay to Montmartre  - Paris, France

Some of our favorites starting with City Dance (left), Country Dance (r) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
"City Dance" (l), " Country Dance" (r) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

Le Bassin aux nymphéas, harmonie rose by Claude Monet
"Le Bassin aux nymphéas, harmonie rose" by Monet - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

Femme au fichu vert by Camille Pissarro.
"Femme au fichu vert" by Camille Pissarro - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

Dance at le Moulin de la Galette by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
“Dance at le Moulin de la Galette” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France “Dance at le Moulin de la Galette” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

The Luncheon by Claude Monet
"The Luncheon" by Claude Monet - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

La Dame aux éventails by Edouard Manet
"La Dame aux éventails" by Edouard Manet - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

The Dance Class (left), Danseuses Bleues (r) by Edgar Degas
"The Dance Class" (left), "Danseuses Bleues" (r) by   Edgar Degas - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Portrait of the Artist with the Yellow Christ by Paul Gauguin
"Portrait of the Artist with the Yellow Christ" by Paul Gauguin - Musée d'Orsay - Paris, France

The Van Gogh room was busy of course.
Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

A group of paintings of women by Pierre Bonnard.
by Pierre Bonnard - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

La loge (The Box) by Pierre Bonnard
Pierre Bonnard | La loge (The Box) - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

A few photos from the Art Nouveau rooms featuring works from France, Belgium, and Italy. The curved desk was amazing - the photo does not do it justice.
Art Nouveau Rooms - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Art Nouveau Rooms - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Art Nouveau Rooms - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Art Nouveau Rooms - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Art Nouveau Rooms - Musée d' Orsay - Paris, France

Evening by James Tissot
"Evening" by James Tissot - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Joaquín Sorolla is one of our favorite painters. It was great to his "Return from Fishing" occupy a special spot.
"Return from Fishing" by Joaquín Sorolla - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

"Return from Fishing" by Joaquín Sorolla - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Sketching class.
Class - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch. A Poem of Life, Love and Death.
Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch.  A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch.  A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch. A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch. A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch. A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Special Exhibition: Edvard Munch.  A Poem of Live, Love and Death - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

The Cliff at Etretat after the Storm by Gustave Courbet.
Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

La lecture and "Olympia"by Edouard Manet.
"La lecture" by Edouard Manet - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

"Olympia" by Manet - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Gleaners and The Spinner by Jean-François Millet
"Gleaners" by Jean-François Millet  - Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France "La Fileuse" (The Spinner)  by Jean-Francois Millet -  Musée D'Orsay - Paris, France

Done. We walk home across the Seine and through our quiet neighbor.
@Night - Paris, France

@Night near our Hotel - Paris, France

Monday, November 28, 2022

Paris: The Louvre

Louvre had long been on our list, not having enough time during our 1990's visit to Paris. Now that we finally made it there, I am not convinced of its overall quality (whether the paintings were considered good enough to be in the Louvre, or the paintings automatically become good because they are in the Louvre). Nevertheless the sheer quantity was overwhelming. I was worn out at the end of day.

John: I'm not sure whether we conquered the Louvre or it conquered us. Our only conquest that day was to show up at The Pyramid 30 minutes after the 9:00 am opening, got in the "without having already purchased tickets" channel, and walked right into the museum, bypassing dozens (or hundreds?) of people holding timed tickets.

John continues: The Louvre museum is famous worldwide. Its treasures and architecture are known via art, history, and travel books, novels, cinema, song and stage, memes, and more. Visiting the Louvre in 2022 one finds the most famous paintings and sculptures swamped with visitors; tour groups, schoolkids, bohemians, independent travelers like us, and more. ;-)

We entered the Louvre at 9:50 am and by 10:03 were standing in the line to get close to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. 10 minutes later we were in the front row!.
In the room with Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” -The Louvre - Paris, France

In the room with Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” -The Louvre - Paris, France

In the room with Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” -The Louvre - Paris, France

That's me at the right in the blue shirt taking a photo of Venus de Milo.
Venus de Milo - The Louvre - Paris, France

Venus de Milo - The Louvre - Paris, France

Here's a group of very well behaved school kids in the vicinity of Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix.
Schoolkids in front of "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix - The Louvre - Paris, France

"Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix - The Louvre - Paris, France

Even on a rainy day or night, the Louvre Pyramid by I.M. Pei is a destination.
The Louvre - Paris, France At Night - The Louvre Pyramid designed by I.M.Pei - Paris, France Ourselfies At Night - The Louvre Pyramid designed by I.M.Pei - Paris, France

No running down the Grande Galerie of Italian Painting on this day.
The Louvre - Paris, France

The Louvre - Paris, France

Here are a few of our Louvre favorites starting with Michelangelo's The Slaves.
Michelangelo, the 'Slaves' - The Louvre - Paris, France

The Coronation of Napoleon (1807) by Jacques-Louis David.
"The Coronation of Napoleon" (1807) by Jacques-Louis David -The Louvre - Paris, France

More sculpture.
The Louvre - Paris, France

The Louvre - Paris, France

La Mort de Marat.
"La Mort de Marat" - The Louvre - Paris, France

Self-Portrait by Albrecht Dürer.
Self Portrait by Albrecht Dürer - The Louvre - Paris, France

The Lacemaker by Vermeer.
The Lacemaker by Vermeer - 1670 - The Louvre - Paris, France

The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds by Georges de La Tour.
The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds - Georges de La Tour - The Louvre - Paris, France

The artifacts from Palace of Darius in Susa in the Ancient Persia Room were amazing. The Palace at Susa is now on my list of places to visit: although, it's in Iran. :-(.
Palace of Darius in Susa - Persian Room - The Louvre - Paris, France

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