We wake up and can see our morning destination, Sacré-Coeur, from our hotel room window. Nice.

The Porte Saint-Denis (who lost his head on the way to Sacré-Coeur).

Our route to Montmartre took us by the Folies Bergere, whose name we know; but their fabulous Art Deco home was a surprise.

Micromobility in Montmartre. First, one of the ubiquitous, swerving, scooters.

A Yokler; the "Professional Electric Cargo Bike"

Stuart (on-demand delivery) uses K-ryole (last kilometre utility vehicle) cargo carriers.

Introducing the "NEW CITROËN AMI 100% ËLECTRIC"!!

The Art Nouveau Saint-Jean-de-Montmartre Church. Don't see many Art Nouveau churches. This one was beautiful inside and out.

Up the stairs to Sacré-Coeur.

The view from Sacre-Coeur towards the Seine.

Sacré-Coeur interior.

Saint-Dennis carries his head.

We ate our picnic lunch in nearby Claude Charpentier Square underneath a water tower made of the same white stone as Sacré-Coeur.

Also in Montmartre is the famous artists square, Place du Tertre. Always busy.

The famous Montmartre view to Sacre-Coeur.

The last surviving Montmartre vineyard.

The windmill.

Conversations in Place Émile-Goudeau where the young Picasso once lived and worked.

A cafe with a view on Place Émile-Goudeau.

Finally, the Moulin Rouge.

1 comment:
It's absolutely wonderful for me to see the photos of you together in my favorite city! Your friend, Dayle PS. I wish I could be meeting up with you, but I'm heading to Bogotá tomorrow. I'll be watching your blog more closely! Bises xx
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