The TGM train to La Marsa.

View of the Tunis port from the train as we cross the 10 kilometer-long causeway to Goulette.

Spiffy building in upscale La Marsa

We buy a couple of Bambalouni, deep fried dough, from a stand near the La Marsa TGM station.

Two views of the Mediterranean Sea from the La Marsa promenade.

Walking south from La Marsa with more great views of the Mediterranean Sea.

View back to La Marsa.

Sidi Bou Said!

It is very pretty with the white buildings contrasting with the deep blue sea.
The Med looks gorgeous. The buildings remind me of Morocco. Congratulations on making it to Tunisia, I take there were no problems on the way?
I liked Tunisia better than Morocco. All the flights worked well. We just had to pay a lot, haha.
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