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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Egypt: Absorbing The Theban Necropolis

The Valley of Nobles refers to the areas on the west bank that contain hundreds of tombs that belong to nobles and officials from the 16th to 11th centuries BCE. It is apparent that the desire to emulate those who have higher SES (social economic status) is not the sole product of modern societies.

While the decorations of these tombs are less splashy than those in the Valley of Kings, the themes related to more everyday life, ranging from farming, foreign trade, wine making, fowling, fishing.... I'm beginning to realize the sources of western civilization lgo back to Egypt.

We chose three tickets, and thought they were all worthwhile.
  • Nakht & Menna
  • Rekhmire & Sennefer
  • Ramose, Userhet & Khaemhet

Walking across the desert from The Mortuary of Hatshepsut to the Theban Tombs in the Valley of Nobles.
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Menna (TT69). Menna was an overseer of farm production.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Measuring/counting bushels of wheat (top half). Cutting wheat with sickles (bottom).
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

More wheat farming/production.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Olive tree.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

The sarcophagus of Menna.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Sun-Ling descends into the Tomb of Nakht (TT52)
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Ploughing a field.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Blind harpist.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Grape harvest and wine making.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Ox slaughter and butcher.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Ploughing with a cow with visible udders.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Khaemhat. (TT57)
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Hunting gazelles from his chariot.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Hunting ducks (right) and rabbits (left).
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Userhat (TT56). Relief of new army recruits getting haircuts.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Ramose (TT 55)
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Rekhmire (TT100)
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Relief of woodworking and furniture shop/factory with Rekhmire supervising.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

The very cool Tomb of Sennefer (TT6) with its psychedelic ceiling, and loving husband and wife. Notice how she touches/holds his arm.
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

And we climb back up to the surface. Whew!
Theban Tombs - Luxor, Egypt

And we walk down the hill in the 102 degrees F heat, and by the Colossi of Memmen. Done with the Nobles.
Colossi of Memnon - Luxor, Egypt


Liz said...

Great pictures!

john said...

Thanks Liz!

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