Puebla has a good selection of budget hotels in the city center and although we checked out 4 or 5, we ended up staying at the same place we stayed 9 years ago, Posada de los Ángeles, although in a different room, one that was bigger, more quiet, and warmer; great location and a good price.
Similar to Oaxaca, our goal in Puebla was to visit as many museums and churches as possible and make a day trip to Cholula, not to the archaeological site we visited in 2003, but to see the town itself and hook up with a friend of a friend.
To make a long story short, Sun-Ling is still in love with Puebla. In fact she is "dizzy in love" with Puebla.
Where to start this year's story? Well, after arriving, settling in a familiar hotel, we found the Tourist Office open and very friendly. Then, just down the street, we made the first of many trips to La Zanahoria Vegetarian Restaurant for their evening all-you-can-eat buffet. Woohoo! Tremendous - we were starved after a long travel day. La Zanahoria has been added to our top five vegetarian restaurants on the planet.
The next day, Saturday, we first checked out putting a Telcel SIM card (called a "cheep" in Mexico) in our phone - it will work. Then followed the tourist office self-guided walking tour to museums, pedestrian malls, churches, markets, and enjoyed free live performances at the Casa de la Cultura - a rock band for kids, then ballet. The people of Puebla were out and about enjoying their city as much as we were.
Sunday is a big day for Puebla enthusiasts. Several of the main downtown streets are closed to traffic from 8AM to noon for bicyclists and walkers to move freely. Many of the museums are free. There are at least two large outdoor artist and antique/flea markets. We tried to catch everything including a free concert at noon on the Zocalo by the Brass and Woodwind Symphony, and then more music at Casa de la Cultura. Lunch and dinner at la Zanahoria. Whew!
Arrival dinner at La Zanahoria.
The Cathedral was under heavy renovation in 2003. This visit we got a better look.
The Cathedral is enourmous with many domes and chapels, a choir, and a central altar (at right).
One thing Sun-Ling loves about Puebla is its distinctive pottery( talavara); specifically the tiles that decorate the fronts of many buildings and domes on many churches; in fact, we bought a tile to add to our collection.
Biblioteca Palafoxiana.
A seated Jesus in the Capilla Rosario.
The pastry shop - Le Flor de Puebla!
Victoria Market.
Templo San Francisco.
Street view.
Museo de Arte San Pedro
Sunday Concert at Casa de la Cultura.
Another shot inside the Cathedral.
Spain civilized the new world;-)
Spain re-civilized the new world after first destroying the indigenous civilizations: Mayas, Incas, Aztecs, etc.
Despite popular history, the issues surrounding "conquest" are far more complicated. Might be wise to study colonial policies of other colonial powers and republics throughout N. Amer before casting stones. Also, very important to know of native rivalries prior to contact.
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