We ate very well in Xela - I may have gained a few lbs. Sun-Ling made noodle soup one night using Casa Renaissance's kithen, and then fried noodles for New Year's Eve. We also ate out for Thai food (noodles and a curry), Singaporean food (noodles and a curry), and local vegetarian plates; not to mention daily trips to Comida Taiwanese for chinese "cong you bing" sold as "Chinese Empanada's" by the Taiwanese owners.
The locals celebrate New Year's much like Christmas with church services and fireworks. The center of action in Xela is Parque Centroamérica, with it's neo-classical architecture, street vendors, and church.
In addition to eating and enjoying the New Year festivities we also made 5 excursions:
- By bus to the Monday Market in Zunil
- By bus to the Tuesday Market in Salcaja; then walked to San Andres Excul and its famous yellow church.
- By bus to the Friday Market in San Francisco El Alto
- Bus to San Martin (aka Chili Verde) then a hike up to Lake Chicabal.
- Walked up to the Santa Maria viewpoint and back to town.
Combination of Neo-Classical and Spanish styes in the center of Xela.
New Year's Eve vendors at Parque Centroamérica.
The Parque lit up for the holidays.
The Zunil Weekly Market.
Great views from the Zunil Cemetery.
Overflow New Year's Day morning service in Salcaja.
The famous yellow church in San Andres Xecul.
Arriving for the New Year's Day procession in centro Xela.
Traditional Masked Dancers lead the procession.
Both men and women carry the shrine.
At the Santa Maria Volcano viewpoint.
Mayan Altars at Lago Chicabal, a lake in the caldera of Volcan Chicabal.
The beautiful church at San Francisco El Alto.
The market at San Franciso El Alto takes up the whole plaza and more, and is very frenetic.
Sunset in Xela from our hotel rooftop.
Cong you bing (Chinese Empanada) from Comida Taiwanesa.
Singapore-stye food.
Veggie platters at Cafe Sagrado Corazon.
Traveler's Tip: There is a direct bus from Panajachel to Xela that leaves every morning at 7:15 AM sharp from the lakeside road near the pubic docks to Santiago. We saw this bus from the rooftop of the Hotel Suena Real, but didn't realize where it headed until the duena told us about it. This saved us a kilometer walk up to the main bus stop. Fare is 25Q. Always good to be the first folks on the bus.
The markets look way cool, but have you actually bought anything? (Other than food.)
@Kathy, what a good question!
We usually try to participate as much as we can in the markets we visit. But since the bag slashing incident, we have been purchasing our consumables in the stores.
I also try to look for souvenirs in the markets. Very few of the goods targeted for locals catch my eye. The few that caught my eye all priced out at $50+US :( or else I don't know what to do with them.
Great blog entries! Love the pictures. Just want you to know I read every one of these. Hope you are enjoying the trip.
The yellow church looks like a sampler. Beautiful masks.
Appears to've been a spectacular 6 days on this tour. NY celebrations, markets, lakes, volcanoes, churches, and, of course, always the food, the FOOD!
Ed, And to jump ahead, we found a very good vegetarian restaurant at our first stop in Mexico. Stay tuned.
WQ, Yes it does look like a sampler in the photo, not so much in person.
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