Note to fellow travelers: there is no transport from the south station. Minibuses pick up and drop off at the Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat Interchange, a very large city block to the east of the South Station.
On the slowest ever minibus to Madaba.

The Map of the Holy Land Mosaic on the floor of "St. Georges Mosaic Map Church" with Jerusalem at Center, and the Dead Sea above Jerusalem. Labels are in Greek.

Here's the index to the map. Have fun!

It's always cool to stand on a section of a Roman Road.

More 6th to 7th Century CE mosaics from Byzantine Churchs. This one is from Martyr’s Church (Church of al-Khadir).

Mosaic at the Church of the Virgin Mary.

This mosaic at the Hippolytus Hall at Virgin Mary Church is a scene from Greek Mythology.

Mosaics at Church of the Apostles. At this site, the attendant sprayed the "best" sections of the mosaic with water to enhance our photos; free of charge.

View of Madaba.

Vintage gas station (most gas stations in Jordan are very shiny and new), wheat fields, and olive groves, as seen from the minibus window on our return to Amman.

The mosaics are beautiful!
Surprised you didn't care for Madaba. The map was interesting and I thought the other mosaics pretty good. I also had a "Turkish" bath all to myself, and some not bad food.
Tunisia, had turned me from a mosaic junkie to mosaic connoisseur, lol.
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