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Monday, May 29, 2023

Turkey: Accidental Lycian Way

From Antalya we took the bus to the Teleferico, not to ride the teleferico - rather the idea was to do a little high coastal walk. We ended up walking on the Lycian Way. The Lycian Way is a long-distance hiking trail in southwest Turkey, ancient Lycia. The trail has numerous ruins along the way. Weather was hot, so we turned around at the first collection of ruins. The Lycian Way is definitely a possibility for future walking.

Great views on the bus to the teleferico.
On the Bus - Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Passing under the teleferico.
Teleferico - Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Junction. Go right to the top of the teleferico. Go left/straight to stay on the Lycian Way.
Junction - Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Soon there are great views back towards Antalya city.
Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

We stopped for a long break farther south.
Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

The trail heads away from the coast and into the forest where there are several ancient walls and tombs.
Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

We turned around at the tombs and retraced our steps back to the bus stop.
Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

Walking the Lycian Way - Antalya, Turkey

1 comment:

Liz said...

Stunning scenic photos!

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